The Scientific Committee of the Festival has the function of awarding, every year, the “Premio Antonino Di Vita” to those who spend their profession in promoting knowledge of the historical-artistic and archaeological heritage. It also appoints the International Quality Jury.
Graduated in Cultural Heritage Sciences at the University of Catania, he is the author of historical and artistic publications relating to the main monuments of the Caltagirone area. A member of the Archeoclub of Licodia Eubea for about thirty years, he has also been its president since 2009. He is active in the organization of pictorial and photography exhibitions, and cultural events linked to the association he represents.
Archaeologist and documentary screenwriter, Alessandra Cilio collaborates with universities, schools and museums within national and international projects about communication and enhancement of cultural heritage. She is also scientific director of the projects ‘Archeomovies. L’archeologia al cinema’ and ‘CineHeritage. Il Cinema come Patrimonio’, promoted by the Ministries of Culture and Education within the ‘Piano Nazionale Cinema e Immagini per la Scuola’. She has been artistic directress of Licodia Eubea film festival since 2011.
Director and author of documentaries, he collaborates with universities, superintendencies, public and private companies dealing with the promotion of cultural heritage. He carried out workshops and seminars for the University of Catania, and led projects promoted by Ministries of Culture and Education within the ‘Piano Nazionale Cinema e Immagini per la Scuola’”.He has been artistic co-director of Licodia Eubea film festival since 2011, and is president of the Coordinamento dei Festival del Cinema di Sicilia.
Emeritus Professor of Classical Archeology at the University of Catania, from 2005 to 2016 he was Director of the School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage for which he created workshops and courses dedicated to the communication of the Ancient through cinema. Since 1987 he has been part of the Italian archaeological mission which operates in Kyme Eolica (Turkey), where he directs the excavations on the South Hill. He is the author of numerous scientific publications.
Professor of Etruscology and Italic Antiquities at the University of Macerata, he has over 100 publications largely concerning Etruscan-Italic and Greek monuments. He has organized various exhibitions at the National Etruscan museum of Villa Giulia of which he was Director. Since 1993 he has directed the excavation in the urban area of Cerveteri, in the sacred area of S. Antonio, in which, in addition to the C.N.R.-Institute for Etruscan-Italic archeology, Italian and foreign universities participate.
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